Written Words


November 2021 Musings.

I’ve flirted with the idea of starting a blog or newsletter for quite some time now, and this is the first instalment of whatever that will be. It will also serve as an intro to this page, which aims to showcase pieces I’ve written for varying publications and academic institutions.

As this website was created in the deepest throes of the pandemic lockdown, I neglected to add an “UPCOMING SHOWS“ section. I considered it, but was terrified that the cold emptiness of such a page would at that moment reflect my deepest career insecurities, and eeriest musings about the lonely and absolute nature of the human condition. And I didn’t want to come across as dramatic. Now, after a slow and cautious reopening of our fair province, even the musicians are back to work! I have had a blast playing for a live audience again this Fall, and there seems to be a fitting appreciation for the arts after we’ve been starved of them for so long. I’d cynically worried that this starvation may lead to a lack of financial renumeration, but so far have been pleasantly surprised. I hope this trend continues, and at the time of writing I’ll be at Diese Onze in beautiful Montréal Friday November 19th, then hosting the Annette Studios jam session back in Toronto November 28th.

This will be a shorter post, as there’s not too much more to report. I’m going to be updating my “Scores“ page on here soon, and will inevitably get to that “UPCOMING SHOWS“ section I discussed as well. With some actual gigs coming up, it shall feel less like staring into the void! Please check out the rest of my site if this is your first time here, read the reviews and thesis below if you have a minute, and stay safe and well as we enter the winter!